Statutory consultation on sixth form proposals

Closed 30 Mar 2012

Opened 2 Mar 2012


In December 2010, the Council published a report, Choice and Diversity: a policy paper for Education and Children's Services 2010, that set out the intention to create high-quality sixth forms within the borough's schools and academies.


An online survey of school and college students, parents and other local people in March-May 2011 showed strong demand for sixth forms to be established in the secondary schools and academies within the borough: 87% of the 1,325 respondents indicated that they would like to see school sixth forms in the borough, whilst 10% indicated that they would not.


The borough's 'Sixth Forms Forum' consisting of: the headteachers/principals of the eight schools and academies and the Head of the Newhouse Centre; the principals of the two further education colleges in the borough; senior elected members; and senior officers, has considered both an overarching feasibility report into the establishment of sixth forms and a more detailed report into the accommodation that would be required. Consequently, the Forum and the schools' governing bodies, have approved in-principle the proposals to establish sixth forms in the five non-academy secondary schools.


The Forum has also agreed that the sixth forms would be established under the umbrella of 'Richmond upon Thames Post-16 Partnership', with a degree of commonality in various matters, such as marketing (with a combined offer matrix), the application process, daily and weekly curriculum structure, and enrichment. Work is ongoing to develop the curriculum offer and other aspects of the proposed sixth forms.


As a result of these developments, the Council has (on 2 March 2012) issued statutory proposals to establish sixth forms at Christ's, Grey Court, Orleans Park, Teddington and Waldegrave. For more information please click on the link below and email any comments to the council by 30th March.



  • Residents


  • Richmond Borough