Short Breaks Services - Users Survey

Closed 8 Jul 2011

Opened 10 Jun 2011


The Council is committed to commissioning high quality short break services for both 'Children & Young People with disabilities' and 'Children & Young People with additional needs' and their families. We are reviewing the short break services that they use in order to understand what they want and need.  This will then enable the Council to shape the future delivery of Short Break Services according to service use feedback.


We will be asking parents to participate in one to one and group consultations as well as completing a questionnaire to gain their views and comments.  We will also seek the views from the children and young people through the same methods.  The target group is parents and carers of/and children and young people who have a:  

  • Statement of educational need
  • Are on the disability register
  • Already use short break services
  • Or are in receipt of School Action Plus support

 Completing the questionnaire is voluntary and it is designed to obtain responses from both you and your child.  Your comments are valued and will be used to help shape the future of Short Break Services. If you choose to take part, you will be entered in a prize draw for a short break worth £500. Winners will be picked at random and notified at the end of the consultation (Summer 2011).




  • Carers
  • Children
  • Parents
  • Service users
  • Young people