Sheen Mount Primary School - pre planning consultation 2010

Closed 14 Oct 2010

Opened 14 Oct 2010


As part of the Council's commitment to provide additional school places for children in Richmond upon Thames, it was proposed to expand Sheen Mount Primary School. A pre-planning public consultation was arranged to invite parents, local residents and stakeholders to view displays and comment on plans for this school expansion.



Consultation event

An informal, drop-in public consultation event was held on Thursday 14 October 2010 between 3.30pm - 7.30pm in Sheen Mount School's main hall (West Temple Sheen, London, SW14 7RT). The design team and Local Authority had consulted with the school, its users and stakeholders in developing the plans, which were on display. The project architects and the Council's project manager were available to provide information and answer any questions.


Letters were sent home with pupils and also to local residents inviting them to attend. The consultation was advertised in the school newsletter and on the school website.

What happens next

Over 60 parents and local residents attended the opportunity to discuss the school's development. Members of the design team and the Council's project manager were available to answer any questions and take people through the scheme.


Generally the feedback was positive, including the location scale and how the design complimented the existing buildings. The only main concern was the possible increase in traffic.

What has happened as a result?

Comments were fed back to the design team and formal consultation will take place through the planning application process.



  • Residents
  • Carers
  • Parents
  • Service users


  • Richmond Borough