Richmond upon Thames Inclusive Sport and Exercise 2010

Closed 31 Dec 2010

Opened 9 Oct 2010


The Sports Development Team consulted with adults, young people and parents and carers of children with disabilities in the borough to find out about their participation in sporting activities.  We carried out the research to find out what activities people are currently participating in, what they would like to participate in and associated information in order to form the development of the forward plan, which will help to inform the future of inclusive and disability sports.


Background to the consultation

After our consultation in 2008 we responded to points that came out of the survey to develop inclusive and disability activities in the borough. Two years on we are keen to evolve our plan and delivery, led by demand and feedback from individuals and groups to make sure that the activities developed and offered are meeting the demand.


The Sports Development Team developed RISE (Richmond upon Thames Inclusive Sport and Exercise) in conjunction with the Three Wings Trust in 2008. RISE aims to highlight the wide range of inclusive and disability-specific sports available in the borough. There are a variety of regular activities and events run under the RISE banner. To find out what RISE activities and events are available please visit the website There are also other inclusive and disability specific activities that run regularly locally, details of many of these can also be found on the website.



Different versions of the questionnaire were available online for: young people, parents/carers and adults. Hard copies and copies in alternative formats were available on request. Respondents were asked to identify the first section of their postcode in order to find out more about the activity levels across the borough, but the consultation was anonymous.


As well as online, the consultation was publicised via Richmond Aid's newsletter, the Access Information Service, Three Wings Trust, the RCVS learning disabilities bulletin and at the RISE event on 9 October. Details of the consultation were also sent directly to those who had previously attended or enquired about a RISE event or activity.


The consultation deadline was extended until 31 December 2010 to allow time for more responses.

What happens next

Considering the level of response to the consultation (25 responses) it has been decided to extend the consultation period and explore different ways of gaining views.


Highlights from the responses that were received are below:

- 38% of adult respondents would like to take part in general fitness gym and aerobics. Dance and swimming were also popular choices.

- 54% of adult respondents would like to take part in Boccia.

- 64% of parent / carer respondents identified volleyball as a popular choice for their children. Football, swimming and general fitness gym and aerobic were the next popular (55%).

- Archery, cricket, cycling, dance, gymnastics and sailing were also popular choices for children, as responded by their parents and carers.


When asked how they found out about activities and events, respondents identified the following channels:

- Community or leisure centres - 48%

- Through friends - 24%

- Word of mouth - 20%

- The Internet - 20%

- The Family Information Service - 24%.


It was encouraging to learn that 64% of respondents had heard of RISE and 48% had attended a RISE activity or event.


What happens next?

Further consultation will be undertaken and considered alongside the results from this consultation in developing new sessions and programmes.



  • Residents
  • Carers
  • Community groups
  • Parents
  • People with disabilities
  • Service users
  • Young people