Richmond Childcare Sufficiency Assessment 2014 - Employer Survey

Closed 28 Sep 2014

Opened 5 Sep 2014

Results updated 19 Nov 2014

Results for the Childcare Sufficiency Assessment are currently being analysed and not yet available but will be reported to Members and published on the website by the end of the year.




The Childcare Act 2006 requires Local Authorities to undertake a Childcare Sufficiency Assessment (CSA) once a year in order to identify gaps in the childcare market, using the information to produce a plan, showing how the local childcare market will be supported to ensure sufficient childcare provision.

As well as parents and carers, Richmond Council is consulting their businesses to hear their views on the demand for childcare in the area and what improvements to the provision, access, quality and affordability of childcare would assist them as employers with the recruitment, retention and motivation of staff.

Findings from the consultation will be used to inform a 3 year plan for how these gaps can be filled effectively: addressing any barriers to accessing childcare that meets working patterns, encouraging the take-up of childcare financial support, supporting quality improvement and growth in the childcare market across Richmond and at local level that meets local parents and employers needs.

Richmond employer views have a very important role in shaping the childcare sufficiency plan for the borough and we invite you to have your say by completing and submitting this questionnaire by 28th September  when the survey closes.

If you would like any more information or a paper copy please contact Anita Board using the contact details provided.



  • Residents
  • Black and minority ethnic groups
  • Businesses
  • Carers
  • Children
  • Community groups
  • Gay, lesbian and bisexual people
  • Men
  • Older people
  • Parents
  • People with disabilities
  • People with learning disabilities
  • People with mental health issues
  • Service users
  • Staff
  • Transgender people
  • Visitors and tourists
  • Voluntary groups
  • Women
  • Young people
  • Members
  • Developers
  • Partners
  • Service providers
  • Childminders
  • Open to all