Removal of the 'Linked School Criterion' for Grey Court, Orleans Park and Teddington Schools Consultation

Closed 13 Jan 2012

Opened 15 Nov 2011


Richmond Council consulted on whether it is best to abolish the 'linked schools policy' criterion for school admissions (and instead use 'distance' as the main criterion).

This will be the only proposed change from the current (and 2012/2013) arrangements for the oversubscribed criteria for Grey Court, Orleans Park and Teddington. That means that 'home to school distance' would instead be the main criterion for determining allocations for the three schools.

Admission arrangements must be determined by 15th April 2012 and it is therefore the council's duty to determine these arrangements with the use of a consultation.



  • Residents
  • Carers
  • Community groups
  • Parents


  • Richmond Borough