Library Service Review 2010

Closed 26 Oct 2010

Opened 4 Oct 2010


Libraries are a valued community service in Richmond upon Thames. Last year there were more than 1.4 million visits to our 13 libraries; however, the way that people are using our libraries has changed - fewer books are being borrowed and people are increasingly choosing to access library services online. We want to make sure that we are providing the right library services for residents but we will need to do that in the context of the current financial climate. The Council is faced with a challenging budget situation as a result of the Government-led drive to cut public spending and reduce the national deficit. This means that there will be less money to spend on public library services. The Council is therefore consulting on a range of options to transform the public library service and make the budget savings required.


The purpose of this consultation is to find out:

- What residents want and need from their library service

- Where residents would like to access library services and how they could be delivered outside library buildings

- Which library services have the potential to generate more income

- How far information technology can be used to deliver library services

- The extent to which residents would like to become involved in managing and running their local libraries.


The survey is available to complete online (link below). Hard copies of the survey are also available in libraries across the borough.


This consultation is taking place over the autumn for decisions to be made in early 2011.



  • Residents
  • Service users


  • Richmond Borough