Future Youth Provision in Twickenham Part 2

Closed 2 May 2012

Opened 2 Apr 2012


Earlier this year over 1,500 young people across the borough had their say about the future of Heatham House. Over 60% of those who responded were in favour of a re-provision of a youth centre onto the neighbouring development, indicating their preference for a new, modern and custom-built youth facility.


However, the results also showed that young people had concerns about the two options presented. Whilst a stand-alone facility was preferable, this option was based at the back of the site and would result in the loss of the current sports pitches and it was unlikely that alternative flood lighting would be given permission.


Therefore developers St James (part of the Berkeley Group) reviewed their proposals and suggested a four storey, stand-alone centre at the front of the site opposite the railway station that would retain the current sports facility.


The Council is committed to ensuring that there is high quality provision of youth services in Twickenham and was keen to consult young people on whether this alternative option would be preferable to retaining the service at Heatham House.


To qualify to submit a preferred option young people needed to be aged 9 to 19 years old (or up to 24 years for those with a learning disability or difficulty), and reside and or be educated within the borough.


Paper copies of the form were distributed through youth clubs and youth workers also travelled around the borough to speak with young people about the consultation, which closed on 2 May.


The Council will consider the consultation results and the preferred option identified by young people but reserves the right as the landowner to make a final decision, based on a considered appraisal of all the issues.



  • Service users
  • Young people