Evaluation of Connexions Service

Closed 1 Oct 2010

Opened 1 Sep 2010


This consultation was held with existing and potential service users to assist with future service planning. Consultation was publicised via the Council's website and youth magazine.

What happens next

A cross section of 392 young people engaged in the survey within different settings, indicating overall good levels of satisfaction with the current service in the following areas:

- visibility

- staff helpfulness

- impartiality

- advice and guidance provided

- environment / atmosphere.


Results also highlighted that the most favourite opening times / days were: Wednesday, Tuesday and Monday afternoons.  Responses also highlighted a clear preference for the service to remain located within Richmond upon Thames, with Heatham House as the most favoured location.

What has happened as a result?

When the in year contract variation was negotiated with the provider to respond to in year financial constraints, it was agreed to reduce and revise opening hours of the service in light of the feedback received. It was also agreed that the location of the service would remain in Richmond upon Thames instead of sharing a service with Kingston upon Thames and re-locating the service to Kingston upon Thames.



  • Service users
  • Young people


  • Richmond Borough