Richmond and Kingston Childcare Sufficiency Assessment 2015 - Employer Survey

Closed 17 Jul 2015

Opened 15 Jun 2015


The Childcare Act 2006 requires Local Authorities to undertake an annual Childcare Sufficiency Assessment (CSA) in order to identify gaps in the local childcare offer, using the information to produce a plan showing how the local childcare market will be supported and ensure sufficient provision that meets local need.

Achieving For Children provides children’s services on behalf of Richmond and Kingston Councils and is currently talking to parents, carers and childcare providers to collect information for both boroughs.  They have also been commissioned to consult with employers to:

  • Collect views about how: employer-provided childcare, encouragement of the take-up of tax credits, flexible working patterns, and support with the childcare costs, helps with staff recruitment, retention and motivation.
  • Identify issues or concerns about the impact that childcare has on organisations.
  • Gain a better understanding of employment patterns and their effect on demand for childcare.

Findings from the consultation will be used to inform 3 year plans for Richmond and Kingston to :

  • Address issues that makes it difficult to access childcare that match varied working hours.
  • Encourage the take-up of childcare financial support.
  • Support quality improvement and growth in the childcare market across Richmond and Kingston at a level that meets local parents and employers' needs.


Local employer views are important in shaping the Childcare Sufficiency Plans for Richmond and Kingston and we invite you to complete and submit this questionnaire by 17 July 2015 when the survey closes.

If you would like a paper version of the questionnaire or have any queries about the survey, the CSA, childcare or other children's services in Richmond or Kingston, please contact Natasha Garthwaite for Kingston using in the contact details above, or Anita Board in Richmond by telephone on 0208 831 6370 or email at



  • Open to all