Buckingham Primary School: Development of the school site for 3 forms of entry

Closed 9 Nov 2011

Opened 19 Oct 2011


Buckingham Primary School is planning to expand to three forms of entry.

The Council appointed Jacobs as designers for the project, and they have been working closely with the school and governors to develop a new building design. To accommodate the extra children attending the school, the proposed scheme includes the building of a new two storey classroom block to the rear of the school's existing premises. P

rior to submission of a planning application, Richmond Council would like to consult with residents and other local groups with an interest in the school regarding the proposed scheme.

An informal consultation evening for the local community and any other interested parties is taking place at Buckingham Primary School on Wednesday 2 November, from 3.30 to 7.00 pm. All are welcome to attend.



  • Residents
  • Carers
  • Community groups
  • Parents
  • Staff
  • Voluntary groups


  • Richmond Borough