Consultation on School Admission Arrangements for 2018/19

Closed 2 Dec 2016

Opened 21 Oct 2016


Each year Richmond Council is required to review its school admissions arrangements. The following information will help inform you about how the admissions process works and gives you the opportunity to offer your views.

The consultation document below sets out in detail the proposed admission arrangements for schools in Richmond for 2018 / 2019.

Have you say by completing the below online survey, or if you would like a paper copy of the consultation document and survey, please contact Richmond School Admissions at the address below or by telephone 020 8891 7514 or email

Please complete the survey by Friday 2 December 2016 when the consultation will close.

Address: School Admissions, Achieving for Children, 42 York Street, Twickenham, TW1 3BW


Summary of the Consultation

Admissions Criteria and numbers

There are no proposed changes to the existing admissions arrangements for community schools in Richmond (including the admissions criteria and admission numbers).

Full details of the admissions criteria can be viewed on pages 1-6 of the consultation document and the admission numbers are on pages 7-8.

The co-ordination of primary and secondary school admissions schemes across all London boroughs.

All London boroughs (and adjacent boroughs such as Surry County Council) have agreed to use common timetables and application forms for admissions to primary and secondary schools. This helps to simplify and promote fairness in the application process, where parents can nominate up to six schools in order of preference (including schools outside the borough they live in).

The only change to the existing arrangements is adjustments to the timetable for the admission process (when applications can be submitted, processed and offers made). This generally changes slightly each year as the process is co-ordinated across all London boroughs. This process is described in the following pages in the consultation document:

  • Primary schools page 8 and appendix 2 (with the timetable on page 33)
  • Secondary schools page 8 and appendix 1 (with the timetable on page 19)


The In-Year Admissions Scheme for all maintained schools in Richmond

The scheme describes how in-year applications for a place at maintained schools or academies are managed.

  • In –year scheme page 8 and appendix 3 (page 37)



  • Open to all


  • Richmond Borough