Academies programme - Shene school
What happens next
The total attendance at the meetings listed above was 375. There were 47 responses to the Council consultation . A summary of the views expressed can be found in the Cabinet papers below.
There were 176 responses to the separate AET consultation. Of those respondents, 84% said they were in support of proposals to close Shene School to then create a new Academy for Sheen (7% were not in favour and 9% not sure). A majority felt that the proposed Academy and the investment, resources and new buildings would provide positive benefits for the local area.
What has happened as a result?
Once the consultation ended, the Council's Cabinet approved, on 22 March 2010, the proposal to close the existing school on 31 August 2010 and replace it with an AET-sponsored academy the following day.
- Residents
- Carers
- Parents
- Staff
- Richmond Borough
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