Raleigh Road Recreation Ground Green Hub project

Closed 14 Jun 2024

Opened 17 May 2024


Thanks to funding from the Council’s Community Fund, the Parks Team in partnership with local charity Habitats & Heritage are proposing the addition of features below to Raleigh Road Recreation Ground that benefit wildlife and the local community. ‘Green Hubs’ is a project developed by Habitats & Heritage to improve urban areas as habitats for wildlife.

Please click here to see a close up of the 'community area'. Please click here to see a close up of the 'pollination station'.

These changes will:

  • Improve the recreation ground as a habitat for birds, insects, pollinators and hedgehogs
  • Increase biodiversity in the recreation ground
  • Provide space for community food growing
  • Provide resources to improve outdoor education opportunities for children, including Windham Nursery students
  • Retain large amenity grassland area

Habitats & Heritage and the Parks Team are also looking to develop a ‘Friends of Raleigh Road Recreation Ground’ group which will allow local residents to help look after the recreation ground and have a say in how it is managed.

Have your say

Please give us your feedback using the online survey link below. If you would like a paper copy or another format, please contact us at hello@habitatsandheritage.org.uk

Drop-in session

If you have any questions, you can join the Heritage and Habitats team at a drop-in session at the Recreation Ground:

  • Saturday 18th May, 13:30 - 15:30

What happens next

All feedback we receive in response to the consultation will be carefully analysed and considered before a decision is made on the way forward.


  • North Richmond


  • Open to all


  • Richmond Borough