Barnes Green, Railings Replacement

Closed 27 Nov 2018

Opened 27 Oct 2018

Results updated 11 Jan 2019

Thank you to all those who took part in the consultation. Please find a copy of the consultation summary report here.

Having discussed this report with ward councillors and the Barnes Community Association, the Parks and Open Spaces Team plan to replace the damaged railings with the new vertical railings in early 2019, as this was the most popular replacement.



As part of our commitment to improve parks and open spaces, we are proposing to replace a damaged line of fencing that runs along the Station Road side of Barnes Green with new fencing, as the fence has reached the end of its life and is beyond repair.

We would like to consult on three fence option types, these are:

Please note however that the bow top fencing would be painted black as would the vertical railing.

Have your say

You can access the online survey below, but if you would like a paper copy, please contact us at

Please be advised that the consultation closes on 27 November 2018.



  • Open to all


  • Richmond Borough