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1027 results

  • Academies programme - Shene school

    The Minister of State for Schools and Learners approved the Expression of Interest at the beginning of December 2009 and the proposal entered the 'Feasibility' stage. During Feasibility, the detail of the academy proposal was developed, and full statutory consultation took place between 8 January and 19 February. The Council and AET, as co-sponsors of the proposed academy, held a series of formal consultation meetings in January and February.... More
    Closed 19 February 2010
  • Crane Valley Park

    In early 2009, the Mayor of London launched a competition where the public could vote for the local park that they felt most needed to be improved. Crane Park topped the vote, and £400k was allocated for the improvements. Survey Using previous consultation, six areas of improvement work were identified under these headings: 1) A Welcoming Park 2) An Accessible Park 3) A Comfortable Park 4) A Natural Park 5) A Wildlife Park 6) An Informing Park. An online... More
    Closed 28 February 2010
  • Teddington Lock and Riverside Drive

    The consultation document was sent out to a catchment area of 200 households. More detailed plans were available at Ham Library and on the Council website. More
    Closed 8 March 2010
  • Development Management DPD - pre-submission

    The LDF Core Strategy was adopted in April 2009. This further stage of the consultation is about the Development Management Plan (DPD), which includes over 60 detailed policies building on the core strategy. These policies will be used as a basis for deciding on all planning applications. The aim of this was to consult on detailed policy wording before finalising the document for submission to Government in autumn 2010. Find out more about this consultation by looking at the LDF... More
    Closed 12 March 2010
  • Thames Landscape Strategy review

    A stakeholder consultation was held on the Thames Landscape Strategy review. Following the consultation, all comments will be collated into a 'schedule of comments'. For each point raised, TLS (Thames Landscape Strategy) officer comments and recommendations will be documented into a schedule table. This will be presented to the TLS Partner Officer Steering Committee, who will consider the proposed recommendations. The outcomes will be used to inform the Thames London Strategy 2010-20... More
    Closed 17 March 2010
  • Primary School expansions - Stanley Infant & Nursery and Stanley Junior Schools

    Proposals to close Stanley Infant & Nursery School on 31 August 2010 and to expand the age and size of Stanley Junior School on 1 September 2010 were open for comment. Prior to the consultation, a meeting to explain the proposals was held at Stanley Junior School on 23 September 2009 for parents of current pupils and local residents. See the Notice and Full Statutory Proposals for further details. More
    Closed 19 March 2010
  • Carers Survey 2010

    The survey was carried out to understand the impact of the carers assessment process and services available to carers and feed this into service development and the Carers Strategy. The questionnaire was sent to 300 randomly selected carers and was also available to complete on the public website. The questionnaire was taken from the National Carers Survey (carried out in November 2009), allowing us to benchmark against other boroughs and local authorities for the first time. More
    Closed 31 March 2010
  • Mental Health Joint Commissioning Strategies for Working Age Adults and Older People

    The London Borough of Richmond upon Thames and NHS Richmond are putting together two joint 5 year Mental Health Commissioning Strategies for Working Age Adults and Older People. Service users, carers and other local partners are being involved from the beginning of the development process both to gather intelligence on local needs and existing services, and to gain feedback and further develop strategic commissioning intensions, and finally the full strategy. More
    Closed 31 March 2010
  • Environmental Health business survey 2009/10

    Users of the service were surveyed throughout the year to gain an understanding of their satisfaction with the service and customer experience. More
    Closed 31 March 2010
  • Licensing Committee Customer Feedback

    To gauge customer satisfaction with the service provided. Consultation Method: Comments / Feedback Form, Exit Survey More
    Closed 31 March 2010
  • Mystery Shopping for Customer Services 2009-10

    Mystery shopping provides evidence of an actual service provided and helps organisations know how well they perform against their Customer Care Standards. It is therefore regarded as a powerful tool to measure customer service. The mystery shopping exercise uses individuals trained to observe, experience and measure the customer service process, by acting as a prospective customer with realistic but made up questions or queries. Mystery shops are conducted by telephone, personal visits,... More
    Closed 31 March 2010
  • Building Control satisfaction survey 2009/10

    In order for the Building Control department to improve its services we are continually reviewing the service we provide to our customers. Your feedback is very important to us and will help us to continue improving our service. We instituted a process of customer surveys from January 2005 when a survey form was sent out with every (1) Completion Certificate and targeted householders/home owners, and this is a continuous service. The other customer surveys we now carry out include:... More
    Closed 31 March 2010
  • Burials Service survey 2009/10

    We aim to deliver a professional and caring service through our sympathetic, competent and trained staff. Our priority is to ensure that all funerals are organised and conducted in a way which meets the religious, cultural and personal needs of each individual. We understand that a meaningful funeral is an important part of the grieving process. We also recognised that the cemetery provides a focal point for the bereaved, and aim to make the cemeteries peaceful, clean and safe places for... More
    Closed 31 March 2010
  • Improving the education of secondary age children with SEN

    Improving the education of children with special educational needs (SEN) is a key priority in the new Children and Young People's Plan. It is part of an investment programme to provide better resources for all children in Richmond upon Thames. This consultation sets out proposals to improve the provision for children with SEN in our mainstream secondary schools. The consultation form was available to complete online and the following drop-in sessions were available for... More
    Closed 31 March 2010
  • Survey of equipment and minor adaptations

    The survey of equipment and minor adaptations is a statutory survey run by all councils throughout England. Results are submitted to the Information Centre. The findings also inform two National Indicators showing how equipment and minor adaptations have affected service users' quality of life and how service users were treated by those who discussed their needs with them. Provisional findings will be published by the Information Centre in September. A report will also be produced and... More
    Closed 9 April 2010
  • Chase Bridge Primary School - pre planning consultation 2010

    An initial consultation drop-in session was held at Chase Bridge Primary School on 23 April 2010 from 2pm to 7pm to provide attendees with detailed information on proposals to develop the site. Members of the design team, the Council's project manager, the headteacher and a school governor were available to explain the scheme and discuss specific areas of interest with members of the public. More
    Closed 23 April 2010
  • Evaluation of the Community Support Service 2010

    The Council consulted service users as part of an evaluation of Community Support Services that it provides for individuals with learning disabilities. The consultation included two surveys: one sent to service users who took part in group activities run by Community Support Services and another survey sent to service users who used Community Support Services in their homes. They were asked a series of questions to gain views on what they thought of the support they received. More
    Closed 30 April 2010
  • Worple Way playground

    This consultation was carried out in order to involve the community in the upgrade of play equipment at Worple Way playground. More
    Closed 30 April 2010
  • Accessible Transport Review

    This was an investigation into the wider provision of accessible transport within Richmond upon Thames and how transport could be improved to help vulnerable people use mainstream services. Richmond Council aims to use this feedback to influence local transport service providers to better meet the needs of older and disabled residents. More
    Closed 10 May 2010
  • Primary School expansions - Chase Bridge Primary School

    Proposals on the expansion of Chase Bridge Primary School from a two-form entry to a three-form entry from September 2011 onwards were open for comment from 26 March - 14 May 2010. More
    Closed 14 May 2010
  • Barn Elms Pavillion / Parking Replacement scheme

    The London Borough of Richmond upon Thames has been working over a considerable period of time with users and local stakeholders to find a solution to improving the facilities at Barn Elms. A scheme was designed to meet the needs of all parties involved and funding sources were found. This information was then presented to the public and interested parties for consultation. Consultation event A public meeting took place on 19 May 2010 from 5pm-8pm at the Barnes Old Sorting Office.... More
    Closed 19 May 2010
  • Vine Road park improvements

    To work with the local community on whole site improvements. More
    Closed 31 May 2010
  • Upper Teddington Road Bridge works

    Essential works are to be carried out to the Network Rail bridge in Upper Teddington Road in late July, requiring all or part of the road to be closed for several weeks. Before work was due to begin, Richmond Council organised a public meeting on 24 June 2010 at 7.30pm in Bullen Hall (Bennett Close, Hampton Wick) where residents could find out about the works and have their say on how they would like the road to be shut. There were two courses of action regarding the road... More
    Closed 29 June 2010
  • Christ's School Remodelling and Extension - pre planning consultation 2010

    The London Borough of Richmond upon Thames is seeking to improve accommodation for special educational needs and provide enhanced curriculum facilities for 14 - 19 year olds pupils at secondary schools in the borough. The Council has appointed Pick Everard to develop proposals for Christ's School that will involve the remodelling and extension of the current buildings. Pick Everard has been working closely with the school, governors and Diocese to develop the design which is nearing... More
    Closed 30 June 2010
  • Adults Strategic Plan

    This consultation was held to inform an Adults Strategic Plan for the borough, which would then present a vision for health and wellbeing for all sections of the community. Consultation phase 1 A stakeholder event was held on Tuesday 2 February 2010 to progress this plan and this included a range of workshops where participants were invited to contribute their views. Consultation phase 2 Following phase 1, a draft strategic plan was produced. The plan was... More
    Closed 2 July 2010
  • Orleans Park School Remodelling and Extension - pre planning consultation 2010

    The London Borough of Richmond upon Thames is seeking to improve accommodation for special educational needs and provide enhanced facilities for 14 - 19 year old pupils at secondary schools in the borough. The Council has appointed Pick Everard to develop proposals for Orleans Park School that will involve remodelling and extension of the current buildings. Pick Everard has been working closely with the school and governors to develop the design which is nearing the point where a... More
    Closed 5 July 2010
  • St Mary Magdalen's Expansion - pre planning consultation 2010

    St Mary Magdalen's RC Primary School in Mortlake is to undergo construction to provide two classrooms as part of the LBRuT Primary School expansions programme. These will provide additional school places for the increasing number of children living in Mortlake. Consultation Event A consultation event was held on Tuesday 6 July 2010 from 5.30pm - 8.30pm at St Mary Magdalen's RC Primary School (Worple Street, Mortlake, SW14 8HE) to provide information and capture views. The event... More
    Closed 6 July 2010
  • Waldegrave School for Girls Remodelling and Extension - pre planning consultation 2010

    The London Borough of Richmond upon Thames is seeking to improve accommodation for special educational needs and provide enhanced curriculum facilities for 14 - 19 year olds pupils at secondary schools in the borough. The Council has appointed Pick Everard to develop proposals for Christ's School that will involve the remodelling and extension of the current buildings. Pick Everard has been working closely with the school, governors and Pollard Thomas architects to develop the design which is... More
    Closed 6 July 2010
  • Hampton Children's Centre

    Following the closure of Hampton Clinic earlier this year, the Council is working towards the creation of a Children's Centre facility on the site of the former clinic (Tangley Park Road, Hampton, TW12 3YH). The proposed Children's Centre, funded by a central government grant, will be an exciting place for children, young people and their families in the local community where they can access a range of activities, advice and services to support parents. The Centre will also house a... More
    Closed 8 July 2010
  • Workforce Development Survey 2010

    As part of Richmond Council's commitment to delivering good quality services to adults, and to building a for-for-the-future workforce, we are developing a borough Integrated Workforce Strategy for Adult Social Care. In order to make sure that the strategy is as widely based as possible, Council staff and partners in the Private and Voluntary sectors are being asked to complete an online questionnaire. The survey asks questions about training, career progression and communications.... More
    Closed 16 July 2010
1027 results. Page 4 of 35