1069 results
Commissioning Supporting People Services - Service Providers
As the Council moves towards becoming a commissioning authority, there is a need to ensure that a commissioning and procurement framework is in place which will set out how the Council will continue to commission and procure both existing and new services. The Council aims to have all new contracting arrangements in place by April 2013. A Consultation process began on September 19th at the Supporting People Provider Forum, where we agreed to publish papers to consult with... MoreOpened 10 November 2011 -
Commissioning Supporting People Services - Service Users & Stakeholders
London Borough of Richmond upon Thames has consulted on home support services with different groups of stakeholders as the Council wanted to give an opportunity for all interested parties to influence the future tender process and its outcomes. The findings of this engagement process helped us identify what is most important for our residents and Council staff and also helped us identify the key issues that we need to address in the future for the service. MoreOpened 10 November 2011 -
Consultation with internal stakeholders, service users and service providers re future home support services
London Borough of Richmond upon Thames has consulted on home support services with different groups of stakeholders as the Council wanted to give an opportunity for all interested parties to influence the future tender process and its outcomes. The findings of this engagement process helped us identify what is most important for our residents and Council staff and also helped us identify the key issues that we need to address in the future for the service. MoreOpened 7 November 2011 -
Heathrow Airport Freedom Trials (Phase 1)
From 1 Nov 2011 until 29 February 2012 and again from 1 July 2012 until 30 September 2012 a new trial will be undertaken at Heathrow airport. This will involve periods when both landing paths will be in use at the same time, instead of the normal use of alternation, whereby aircraft land on one path for half the day and then switch and land on the other path for the rest of the day. The Council will be monitoring residents' views on this trial and will represent these in a consultation... MoreOpened 1 November 2011 -
Playground Refurbishments
Richmond Council ?consulted with local residents and community groups on the refurbishment of playgrounds at Old Deer Park, Carlise Park and Westerly Ware Recreation Ground. The Council will be replacing old play equipment in order to comply with national standards and regulations. Through this consutlation the Council aimed to: * let the community know that some old play equipment will be replaced and why * find out what preferences the community has for the new play equpiment... MoreOpened 31 October 2011 -
Budget Consultation 2011
The London Borough of Richmond Upon Thames undertook a budget consultation exercise with a representative sample of adults in the borough, exploring their views on the Council's approach to current financial constraints. Building on previous consultation exercises and also the All in One Survey, the Budget Consultation 2011 focused on: · Finding out how confident people feel about their employment / financial situation, and identifying their main concerns · Gauging... MoreOpened 31 October 2011 -
Homelessness Review
Richmond Council consulted with stakeholders to get their view on homelessness issues in the borough and allow for comment. MoreOpened 24 October 2011 -
Events Policy
Richmond Council is consulting on how event services will be managed in the future to ensure that a quality service is provided. MoreOpened 24 October 2011 -
Buckingham Primary School: Development of the school site for 3 forms of entry
Buckingham Primary School is planning to expand to three forms of entry. The Council appointed Jacobs as designers for the project, and they have been working closely with the school and governors to develop a new building design. To accommodate the extra children attending the school, the proposed scheme includes the building of a new two storey classroom block to the rear of the school's existing premises. P rior to submission of a planning application, Richmond Council would like to... MoreOpened 19 October 2011 -
Survey re meals provided to residents in the community and those attending the Council's Day Centres
128 clients receiving meals in their homes were either sent a paper questionnaire to complete which asks them to provide feedback on the meals service or received a phone call asking them to feedback verbally. MoreOpened 17 October 2011 -
Changes to the Amount People Pay Towards Their Social Care
Changes to Richmond's charging policy for Adult Social Care came into place in April 2011, resulting in some service users contributing towards their care. This survey aimed to evaluate the impact of the changes to the contributions policy on the lives of the service users affected by this policy change. MoreOpened 3 October 2011 -
Creation of Parking Lay-Bys (Broad Lane, Hampton)
Richmond Council consulted with residents of Broad Lane in Hampton regarding the possibility of additional parking provision. We sought residents' views on removing some of the grass verge in Broad Lane for it to be used as parking lay-bys. MoreOpened 30 September 2011 -
Parks Strategic Principles
Richmond Council consulted with the public on how parks and open spaces services will be managed in the future to ensure that a quality service is provided. The council held a public meeting at Twickenham Library on Wednesday 28th September and two webinars (web-based seminars) on Wednesday 9th November. Having taken the views of the public into account the council has now approved the London Borough of Richmond Parks and Open Spaces Strategic Principles, details of which can be found... MoreOpened 28 September 2011 -
Housing Allocations Policy Survey
Richmond-Upon-Thames Council will be reviewing the Housing Allocations Policy following a number of Government policy changes which have impacted on the allocation of social housing. The Council is keen to ensure that the housing allocation process is fair and flexible. The Council wanted to gather the views of local residents and organisations on what they think of the current policy and possible ways of developing the current policy to reflect the needs and priorities of the local... MoreOpened 12 August 2011 -
Review of Polling Stations 2011
Richmond Council are carrying out this consultation in order to ensure satisfaction of the polling provision. MoreOpened 1 July 2011 -
Short Breaks Services - Users Survey
The Council is committed to commissioning high quality short break services for both 'Children & Young People with disabilities' and 'Children & Young People with additional needs' and their families. We are reviewing the short break services that they use in order to understand what they want and need. This will then enable the Council to shape the future delivery of Short Break Services according to service use feedback. We will be asking parents to participate in one to one and... MoreOpened 10 June 2011 -
Twickenham Area Action Plan
Richmond residents have told the Council that Twickenham Town Centre needs a revitalised retail centre to provide a new 'heart' to the area. This would involve improving access to the river, better shops, an attractive High Street and improvements for traffic and pedestrians. Richmond Council is creating the 'Twickenham Area Action Plan' in response to residents' views. The Twickenham Area Action Plan aims to provide a guide for unlocking the potential of the town centre by making the... MoreOpened 10 June 2011 -
School Effectiveness Services to Schools
The School Effectiveness Division of the Education, Children's and Cultural Services Directorate provides a number of services to schools. With the planned move for Children's Services to a new organisation for service delivery, we will be reviewing and revising our provision of current services to schools. In order to involve these key stakeholders in the new model of school improvement, we will be consulting with all headteachers of maintained schools and academies through a survey... MoreOpened 6 June 2011 -
Play Strategy Survey
The purpose of this survey was to gather the views of children, young people and adults to inform the development of the borough's Play Strategy. The overarching aim of the strategy is to ensure that all children and young people who live, visit or go to school in the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames have easy access to a range of quality play opportunities. The survey was available online on the Play webpages and hard copies were also distributed via channels such as after... MoreOpened 5 May 2011 -
Youth All In One
To engage with young people as part of the 'All In One' consultation that is happening throughout the borough. The All in One was a major pledge of the administration to be carried out in 2010. Its purpose has been to find out peoples' priorities for the areas where they live and to better understand how residents would like to be involved in shaping and delivering local services. MoreOpened 1 May 2011 -
Voluntary Sector Commissioning - Infrastructure and Capacity Building
The Council buys a range of services to help develop the infrastructure and capacity of voluntary sector organisations working in the borough. This type of support is traditionally known as second tier support and is currently provided by Richmond Council for Voluntary Service and sector specific Strategic Lead organisations. The purpose of infrastructure and capacity building services is to facilitate a healthy, robust and responsive voluntary and community sector and can include advice on... MoreOpened 26 April 2011 -
Voluntary Sector Commissioning - Rent Subsidy Review
The Council is committed to sustaining a vibrant voluntary and community sector and recognises its valuable contribution to civic life. As part of its support to the voluntary and community sector, the Council has for many years allowed groups the use of Council owned or leased property. The Council is being more focused on the services it wants to buy and the organisations it wants to support. Priorities change over time and we need to ensure that organisations currently receiving a rent... MoreOpened 26 April 2011 -
Building Improvements to Whitton Library
Following the closure of Heathfield Library and the opening of the Library Access Point at Whitton Community Centre, the larger Whitton Library was due to have some renovation. Residents in the Whitton and Heathfield area were asked for their views on how the Whitton Library building could be improved. MoreOpened 4 April 2011 -
Richmond upon Thames Inclusive Sport and Exercise
A day of inclusive sports activities was on offer during the sixth Richmond upon Thames Inclusive Sport and Exercise (RISE) event on Saturday 2 April 2011. At the event the Council's Sports Development Team consulted with adults and young people to find out about their thoughts about accessible facilities and activities in the borough. MoreOpened 2 April 2011 -
Richmond Voucher Scheme
A postal survey was sent directly to Voucher Scheme users in Richmond upon Thames. The Voucher Scheme is a unique scheme run by Richmond Council to assist people with short term mobility difficultires to access door to door transport. It is not a mandatory scheme (i.e. there is no requirement on the Council to run the scheme) and it is under review in response to the escalating costs of the scheme and financial pressures on the Council. Before the Council makes a decision on the way forward,... MoreOpened 31 March 2011 -
Taxicard Scheme
A postal survey was sent directly to Taxicard service users in Richmond upon Thames. The consultation was seeking views on proposals to change the terms of using the Taxicard scheme. The Taxicard scheme is managed on our behalf by London Councils. It is jointly funded by London Borough of Richmond upon Thames (LBRuT) and Transport for London (TfL). This consultation was in response to escalating costs and pressures on funding the scheme. Before the Council made a decision on how best... MoreOpened 30 March 2011 -
Consultation on Sixth Form Provision in Richmond Upon Thames
In December 2010, the Council decided to see whether it would be possible to set up viable sixth form provision in the eight secondary schools and academies within the borough (by 'viable', we mean that the provision would be sustained by sufficient student numbers to ensure that a broad and attractive curriculum could be offered). As part of that work, we wanted to know your views on whether or not establishing sixth forms would be a good idea and how they would have influenced your... MoreOpened 28 March 2011 -
Primary School expansions - proposed Strafford Road Primary School
It is proposed that part of the existing hospital building at the St John's/Amyand House site is converted to a Primary School to provide additional school places for the increasing number of children living in Twickenham. Consultation and Information event A consultation and information event was arranged for Tuesday 22 March 2011 (4pm - 8pm in Clarendon Hall, York House, Richmond Road, Twickenham, TW1 3AA) to give information on: - what the proposed school will look like -... MoreOpened 22 March 2011 -
Local Implementation Plan (consultation phase 2)
In May 2010, the Mayor of London published the Mayor's Transport Strategy (MTS2 - see link under background documents). The Strategy sets out the objectives within which all London boroughs have to work for the next three years. The borough's Local Implementation Plan (LIP) sets out the Council's plans for delivering the Mayor of London's Transport Strategy from 2011 onwards. It will be a statutory document, used for Transport Planning purposes for the next 3 years. We initially... MoreOpened 25 February 2011 -
Changes to SEN Transport Service 2011
Richmond Council is consulting with users and their families on its proposed changes to SEN (Special Educational Needs) transport services in the borough, including the introduction of community pick-up points. The consultation will be piloted at More House School and will seek views on proposals to reduce the number of vehicles that currently provide school transport. The service will move from individual homes towards a community point pick-up service. Parents at More House School... MoreOpened 25 February 2011
1069 results.
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