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1027 results

  • Richmond Joint Strategy for Prevention of Substance Misuse

    The Richmond joint strategy for prevention of substance misuse is a document produced jointly by Richmond Council and Richmond Clinical Commissioning Group. It set outs a comprehensive programme of actions to prevent and reduce substance misuse and related harm. It brings together the contributions of many partners that share this goal. This consultation has provided residents with an opportunity to comment on the draft strategy document. The results of the consultation will be taken into... More
    Opened 1 May 2013
  • Heathrow Referendum

    Under successive administrations, Richmond Council has sought to involve local people in decision-making and in the development of ideas for the improvement of their localities across the borough. As part of this, from 22 April - 16 May 2013 Richmond Council invited local residents to have their say on a potential expansion of Heathrow Airport in the borough’s first local referendum. At the same time, residents in Hillingdon were also asked the same questions by their local... More
    Opened 22 April 2013
  • Percy Road/Broad Lane - Junction Improvements Consultation

    The Council is undertaking an Uplift programme which aims to revitalise a number of areas across the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames that would benefit most from a range of improvements. The Percy Road and Broad Lane Junction in the Hampton North has been proposed for improvement as part of that programme. Following consultation with local residents in July and August 2012 a new design for the junction has been produced: Issues; - Resurfacing the footpath and road - York Stone... More
    Opened 22 April 2013
  • Champions Wharf Play Beach Consultation

    There is an ever increasing demand for new play spaces in central Twickenham which currently only has two play areas in Holly Road Garden of Rest and Diamond Jubilee Gardens on the riverside. There is potential for that demand to increase further with the Twickenham Station redevelopment and the proposed redevelopment of the Old Sorting Office, as well the upgrade of the town centre which will attract even more visitors to the area. Following the success of the popular temporary beach over... More
    Opened 22 April 2013
  • Community Safety Partnership Strategic Intelligence Assessment: Setting the Priorities for 2013/14

    The Community Safety Partnership Strategic Intelligence Assessment is a document produced jointly by Richmond Council and the Metropolitan Police. It assesses performance against targets for last year and identifies mid to long term crime and disorder issues which are impacting on the borough, such as anti-social behaviour, hate crime, domestic abuse, youth offending, burglary, robbery and theft. The implications of these issues and possible future threats are also considered. The main... More
    Opened 19 April 2013
  • Elmfield Gardens and Jubilee Gardens Landscape Consultation

    The Council continues implementation of its Parks Improvement Plan II with a programme of improvements to parks and open spaces across the borough. The importance of this work is acknowledged by residents who when asked in the All in One survey 2011 what they like best about their local area, the majority mentioned the parks and open spaces. In order to retain the current high standards of parks, improvements to new and existing facilities are developed through consultation... More
    Opened 12 April 2013
  • Ham Library Improvements

    The Uplift programme aims to revitalise a number of areas across the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames that would benefit most from a range of improvements. Ham Library has been identified for improvement as part of the programme. Following a building survey of the Ham Library and Annex in November 2012 a programme of interior improvements has been agreed in order to improve and modernise the library and improve its facilities as part of a general maintenance which will also include:... More
    Opened 25 March 2013
  • Railshead Road Improvements

    In recent years Richmond Council has received a number of complaints expressing concern about Railshead Road, in particular: - The poor condition of the road surface - Conflict between pedestrians, vehicles and cyclists who use the area - The general run-down look of the junction of Railshead Road with St Margarets The Council has secured funding from the developers of Brunel University for transport improvements and it is proposed to use some of that money to improve Railshead... More
    Opened 5 February 2013
  • Hampton North Uplift Programme - Hampton Square

    The Uplift programme aims to revitalise a number of areas across the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames that would benefit most from a range of improvements. Hampton North has been identified as one of those areas. Following consultation with local residents in July 2012 a proposal and a design for a new Hampton Village Square has been produced. The aim is for the square to replace the derelict Old White House building and provide a vibrant community space with links to the local shops,... More
    Opened 28 January 2013
  • Hampton North Uplift Wave 1 Community Consultation

    Background Uplift is Richmond Council's programme to rejuvenate the Hampton North, Whitton, Barnes, Mortlake and Ham areas of the borough. Key actions of each Uplift programme are based on the results of the All in One survey and Village Planning sessions. Funding for projects is provided by the Council but other funding has, and will be sourced, through other organisations and funding providers. The aim of the Uplift programme is to create positive results for each of the Uplift areas,... More
    Opened 28 January 2013
  • Proposals for the Redevelopment of the Richmond upon Thames College Site

    The aims of the redevelopment are to modernise and improve the College, provide another new 11-16 secondary school for Twickenham and complete the rebuilding of the borough's special schools. Your views are important to us and the information you have provided will help both the Council and College understand the concerns and priorities of our residents, prior to making a decision about how the site will be used. More
    Opened 28 January 2013
  • Community Roads and Pavements Fund 2013

    As part of the Council's drive to improve the environment of the borough and after listening to comments from its 'All in One' consultation, an annual community road and pavement funding pot of £35,000 has been made available for highway maintenance in each of the fourteen village areas in the borough. This sum (in total £490,000) is in addition to the maintenance work being carried out by the Council, and each year local residents will be invited to suggest how the money should be spent in... More
    Opened 21 January 2013
  • Children and Young People's Plan 2013-17

    The Children and Young People's Plan sets out the strategic direction and goals for the Children and Young People's Trust Board (CYPTB), covering all children and young people up to the age of 19, and up to the age of 25 for care leavers and young people with learning disabilities. It covers universal services such as schools and GPs; targeted services for children with particular needs such as support for behavioural or health difficulties; and specialist services for the small number of... More
    Opened 21 January 2013
  • Improving the Education of Children and Young People with Special Educational Needs

    Thank you for taking part in this consultation. A decision has now been made to proceed to Statutory Proposals regarding the re-provision of Strathmore Special School. The publication of a statutory notice and the publication of statutory proposals can now be found here: This will provide a period of six weeks for comment or objection. Please also visit the above link for more details on how this decision was made and how the consultation... More
    Opened 21 January 2013
  • Latchmere House Former Remand Centre Draft Planning Brief

    A Draft Planning Brief has been jointly prepared by the Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames (RBKuT) and the London Borough of Richmond Upon Thames (LBRuT), and relates to the former Latchmere House and HM Remand Centre. It is a decommissioned Ministry of Justice site and spans the northern boundary of the RBKuT and the south eastern boundary of LBRuT. The purpose of the Brief is to provide the Ministry of Justice (the landowner) and prospective developers with planning guidance and a... More
    Opened 11 January 2013
  • Proposed Expansion of Nelson Primary School

    The Council has consulted upon the proposed permanent expansion of Nelson Primary School from September 2014, from its current two forms of Reception entry to three. That means that the school would permanently admit 90 children each year, rather than its usual 60. More
    Opened 11 January 2013
  • Richmond Community Infrastructure Levy Consultation 2012

    The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a new planning charge, introduced by the Planning Act 2008, and came into force in April 2010 through the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010. CIL is a charge that the Council can set for certain new developments in the borough. CIL charges will be based on simple formulae, the size of which can be related to the size, type and location of the new development. This will allow the Council to raise funds from developers undertaking new... More
    Opened 17 December 2012
  • Richmond Gambling Policy Review 2012

    Richmond Council is a Licensing Authority with a duty to exercise a number of functions under the Gambling Act 2005 and have due regard to the following licensing objectives set out in Section 1 of the Act: - Prevent gambling from being a source of crime or disorder, or being associated with crime, disorder or being used to support crime - Ensure that gambling is conducted in a fair and open way - Protect children and other vulnerable persons from being harmed or exploited by... More
    Opened 17 December 2012
  • Site Allocations Plan Call For Sites

    The Council has issued a 'Call for Sites' for review for possible inclusion within the Site Allocations Plan. We were looking for potential development sites or groups of sites where there might be the opportunity for redevelopment or changes of use. Submitted sites and proposals should have a reasonable prospect of coming forward in the period up to 2029. More
    Opened 17 December 2012
  • Dog Order - Petersham Meadows

    The London Borough of Richmond upon Thames The Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005 Notice of Intention to Make a Dog Control Order regarding Petersham Meadows, Richmond, Surrey Notice is hereby given that The London Borough of Richmond upon Thames Council (the Council) proposes to make an Order under part 6 of the Clean Neighbourhoods & Environment Act 2005, the effect of which will be to create an offence if a person in charge of a dog takes the dog onto, or permits the... More
    Opened 12 December 2012
  • Broom Road Recreation Ground - Proposal to Develop Two Volleyball Court

    Two tennis/netball courts are provided at Broom Road Recreation Ground. Their condition has been declining over the last few years though there continues to be some casual use of these courts. There is no charge for their use. A new multi-use games area was provided on Broom Road as part of the rebuilding of Teddington School and this contains 3 tennis courts and 2 netball courts. These facilities are available for use by the community out of school hours and are managed by Teddington... More
    Opened 12 December 2012
  • Sheen Road and Upper Richmond Road West Safety Improvements

    The Council is proposing a scheme that aims to implement road safety improvements on Sheen Road and Upper Richmond Road West. An accident investigation study was undertaken in 2010 to identify the possible causes of 25 collisions over a five year period. Whist the study did not identify any particular trends, the most prevalent factors were poor vehicle turning manoeuvres, overtaking and motorcycle accidents. The scheme aims to reduce the number of accidents and improve the experience for... More
    Opened 3 December 2012
  • St Margarets Street Scene Improvements

    Purpose of the consultation We are consulting on plans to upgrade the heart of St Margaret's. The ideas put forward come from local people and traders, who contacted us with suggestions to improve the area at the junction of St Margaret's Road, The Barons and Crown Road outside Twickenham Studios near the bus stop. We would like to improve the area by: - Installing an interpretive feature which tells people about the history of the studios and some of the famous movies made here -... More
    Opened 3 December 2012
  • Draft Health & Wellbeing Strategy Consultation

    The Health & Wellbeing Strategy is a long term plan for the Council and its partners which describes how we will work together to improve health and wellbeing in the local area. Richmond's Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB) brings together local leaders from the health and social care system. The role of the HWB is to understand the community's needs, agree priorities and ensure that local people experience better integrated services from the NHS and the Council in the future. Engagement... More
    Opened 30 November 2012
  • Buildings of Townscape Merit

    In the London Borough of Richmond Upon Thames there are many buildings of significance to the history and character of their local area due to their historical associations, architectural style, visual interest or location. The status of Building of Townscape Merit does not impose any extra obligations upon the owner, nor does it require special consent for any works that would not otherwise need it. It does however mean that the Council will take the special status into account when... More
    Opened 30 November 2012
  • Draft Tenancy Strategy Consultation

    The Council is required under the Localism Act (2011) to develop a Tenancy Strategy by the end of January 2013. This strategy will be used to help shape the Tenancy Policies of housing associations in the borough and provides recommendations on the type of tenancy offered, the duration of tenancies (if they are for a fixed term) and tenancy renewal. Definition of terms The type of tenancy - whether housing associations should offer Affordable Rent tenancies (at a rent up to 80% of... More
    Opened 28 November 2012
  • Draft Community Plan Consultation

    The Community Plan is a long term plan for the Council and its partners (including NHS Richmond and Richmond Borough Police) which describes how we will work together to improve the local area. The Community Plan includes: - A vision for the whole borough - A description of how we will involve local people - A statement of our commitment to work together - Our key priorities and - How the Council and its partners will be held to account More
    Opened 21 November 2012
  • Online market engagement with regards to the fee rates for Residential and Nursing Care Providers

    London Borough of Richmond upon Thames is committed to working together with service providers, service users, carers and representative organisations to address the challenges we are all facing in relation to the commissioning and delivery of residential and nursing care services within the current financial climate. The national measures to reduce the budget deficit continue to cause uncertainty around future funding for councils. This uncertainty means that it has become increasingly... More
    Opened 12 November 2012
  • Elm Grove Road Traffic Changes

    CASTELNAU, ROCKS LANE, CHURCH ROAD, ELM GROVE ROAD, QUEEN ELIZABETH WALK - PROPOSED JUNCTION IMPROVEMENTS AND INTRODUCTION OF ONE WAY WORKING IN ELM GROVE ROAD. We are consulting on proposals to improve traffic conditions at the Castelnau/Rocks Lane/Elm Grove Road/Church Road and Queen Elizabeth Walk signalised junction. The complexity of this 5 arm junction and the number of traffic movements currently provided for results in delays to traffic, especially on Castelnau, Rocks Lane and... More
    Opened 5 November 2012
  • Whitton High Street Environment Improvements

    HIGH STREET WHITTON - SAFETY, TRANSPORT & STREET SCENE IMPROVEMENTS In response to residents' comments from the Council's All in One survey and to make the most of the Uplift Programme, it is proposed to undertake additional work to further improve the look of Whitton High Street and complement the work already undertaken to upgrade street lighting and shop fronts. Please take a look at the consultation drawing to see where the improvements will be carried out. The environmental... More
    Opened 5 November 2012
1027 results. Page 26 of 35