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1027 results

  • Windmill Playground Improvements Phase 2 Consultation

    During an initial round of consultation in February to March 2018, Wandsworth Council asked for your views on a range of different types of equipment for Windmill Playground. Based on the results of the first round of consultation, three designs have been developed. You can find out more about the designs below: Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 We would like your feedback to help decide on a final design. As part of the proposed improvements, the... More
    Closed 5 January 2021
  • Draft Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plans for Public Consultation 2020-21

    Following designation of these conservation areas in February 2019 the Council is required to prepare a Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan for the preservation and enhancement of each area and invite public comment. You can find the Character Appraisal and Management Plan for each Conservation Area below: Bushy Park Gardens, Fulwell and Hampton Hill Cole Park Road, St. Margarets, North Twickenham Cowley Road, Mortlake and Barnes... More
    Closed 4 January 2021
  • Draft Article 4 Direction for Conservation Area No.78 Cole Park Road

    An Article 4 Direction removes certain existing permitted development rights that apply to properties in this area, and so enable the Council to better manage change in the conservation area. This does not mean that you will be unable to extend or alter your home, but rather that planning permission will be required to do so. The justification for introducing an Article 4 Direction for Cole Park Road is contained within the draft Conservation Area Appraisal and... More
    Closed 4 January 2021
  • Designs for Arch 42 gateways in Nine Elms

    Wandsworth Council has joined forces with the London Festival of Architecture to create attractive gateways to a historic railway arch which is set to become a key public route to the Northern Line Extension. Six architecture and design practices have been shortlisted and have produced design proposals for the railway arch which will be opened up as a new public route near New Covent Garden Market. The new gateways at each entrance of this ‘Arch 42’ will improve the... More
    Closed 3 January 2021
  • Hampton Common - consultation on proposed creation of new football pitch

    As part of the Council’s continued commitment to improve our parks and open spaces, we are proposing to create an additional football pitch in Hampton Common to accommodate and grow girls' football in the borough. Women's football is a fast-growing sport internationally. We would like to be able to provide sport opportunities for all and we recognise the health benefits sport can bring to individuals and the community. However, the current football facilities are not... More
    Closed 11 December 2020
  • Draft Richmond Housing and Homelessness Strategy 2021-2026

    The Council would like to hear your views on its draft Housing and Homelessness Strategy. The draft strategy sets out the Council’s plans for housing and homelessness services for the period 2021-2026. This is a refresh of the strategy published in 2018. While much of the previous strategy remains relevant, now is an opportune time to review it to ensure that it continues to reflect the Council’s housing priorities, particularly following... More
    Closed 7 December 2020
  • Church Street Twickenham - Introduction of pedestrian zone

    In June, the Council introduced a temporary pedestrian zone in Church Street, between its junctions with King Street and Church Lane, operating between 10am and midnight every day. This pedestrian zone was implemented to facilitate the 2-metre social distancing spacing required as part of the COVID-19 measures and on the understanding that many businesses in Church Street supported it. As you will be aware, alfresco dining has been in place in Church Street for a number of... More
    Closed 22 November 2020
  • Barnes High Street Improvement Scheme

    In recent months discussions have taken place between Council officers, your local ward members and community representatives to help develop a scheme to improve Barnes High Street. The main objectives of the project are to locally widen sections of footway for pedestrians; improve the turnover of shoppers’ parking spaces; regulate loading provision; improve public transport access, and ultimately to relieve traffic congestion and improve air quality in the town centre. ... More
    Closed 20 November 2020
  • Wandsworth’s Learning Disability Commissioning Strategy 2021 to 2026

    Earlier this year the Council and South West London CCG consulted people about their priorities for Wandsworth’s Learning Disability Commissioning Strategy. We met with a lot of people and heard their views. In March, as part of that consultation, we published a draft strategy and asked people for their views about it. Unfortunately work on the strategy had to be suspended for several months because of COVID-19. We are now seeking views on the final draft... More
    Closed 12 November 2020
  • Wandsworth Local Area Special Educational Needs and Disability ‘Big Plan’ 2020-2024

    We want to get your help with an important plan called our ‘Special Educational Needs and Disability Strategy.’ Strategy means ‘a big plan’ which tells everyone what we will do in Wandsworth to make sure you have what you need at home, at school and in the community. We want to hear from you. We have designed this short survey for you to read through and complete either by yourself, with friends, or with an adult, for example a parent,... More
    Closed 12 November 2020
  • New play and sports facilities in Nine Elms

    Wandsworth Council is investing in improvements to eight play areas for residents of Carey Gardens, Patmore Estate, Savona Estate and other residents who live in the area to enjoy. This programme of improvements is part of the Council's use of funding from nearby developments to invest in local transport and roads, new parks, leisure, health and school facilities, and opening up the Thames river path. During consultation events in 2019 you told us what new... More
    Closed 8 November 2020
  • Battersea High Street Parking and Anti-Social Behaviour Survey

    W andsworth Council and Wandsworth Police, as strategic partners, work closely to resolve issues a f fecting the local communit y . W e are seeking your views on a local issue which may be a f fecting your quality of life. It has been brought to our attention that cars are being parked on the pavement on Battersea High Street and that some of the drivers of these vehicles may be acting in a manner that is causing the community to feel alarm and distress. ... More
    Closed 23 October 2020
  • Hatherop Park - consultation on proposed creation of new football pitch

    As part of the Council’s continued commitment to improve our parks and open spaces, we are proposing to create an additional football pitch in Hatherop Park to accommodate and grow girls' football in the borough. Women's football is a fast-growing sport internationally. We would like to be able to provide sport opportunities for all and we recognise the health benefits sport can bring to individuals and the community. However, the current football facilities are not... More
    Closed 16 October 2020
  • Suffolk Road Recreation Ground - Sensory Garden

    As part of our commitment to improve our parks and open spaces, we have been working with the Friends of Suffolk Road Recreation Ground to develop the second phase of improvements for the recreation ground – the installation of a sensory garden. Working with a local landscape designer and Friends Group, we have developed an artistic impression of the new sensory garden for the recreation ground. You can view a copy of this here . We plan to include little stepping stones... More
    Closed 13 October 2020
  • Wandsworth Urban Design Study

    Wandsworth Council is developing its Local Plan, which will set priorities for future development of the local area. Local plans balance the needs of residents, businesses and visitors with protecting and enhancing the borough's buildings, landscapes and heritage. As part of the development of the Local Plan, we are carrying out an Urban Design study, which will consider our buildings and public spaces and capture the character of our areas. This will create a background against... More
    Closed 30 September 2020
  • Proposed cycle contraflow scheme Harbut Road (SW11)

    The Council would like to inform you of a proposal to implement a cycle contraflow trial on a 60m stretch of Harbut Road. The objective is to improve the flow for cyclists by providing a more direct route for cyclists to join the existing cycle network at the end of Nantes Close. A plan of the proposed changes can be seen here , and are detailed below: Install new cycle signage and mark the carriageway with cycle symbols, directional arrows, slow and give-way... More
    Closed 9 September 2020
  • Review of Niton Road / Chilton Road Area Consultation

    You are probably aware of the recent suspension of parking spaces along the west side of Kew Road between Lion Gate Gardens and Kew Gardens Road to extend the operational times of the existing northbound cycle lane from 8am to 10am to ‘at any time’. This is in response to the Government’s call for urgent action to help offset the reduction in public transport arising from the need to support social distancing. The Government believes that this should be achieved first and foremost... More
    Closed 26 August 2020
  • North Kew Parking Consultation

    The Council is consulting residents and businesses in the North Kew area on the implementation of a new controlled parking zone (CPZ). Background This consultation follows consideration of a number of issues across the area including: Petitions received by the Council from residents of Gloucester Road and Kew Green concerning the difficulties finding a parking space near to their home . It is understood that these concerns are primarily caused... More
    Closed 26 August 2020
  • Consultation on Renewal of Public Spaces Protection Orders for Anti-Social Behaviour and Dog Control

    Richmond Council introduced two Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPOs) in October 2017. PSPOs are powers available to local authorities to restrict problem behaviours and ensure that public spaces are safe and enjoyable for everyone to use. For a PSPO to be put in place, activities with detrimental effects on the local community must be occurring or be likely to occur, and the effects or likely effects must be continuing, unreasonable and justify the restriction. ... More
    Closed 19 August 2020
  • Wandsworth Open Space Survey

    We are asking residents, businesses and interested parties for their opinions on public open space in the borough. Public open space provides opportunities for sport and recreation, socialising, tourism and wildlife, making an important contribution to the health and wellbeing of communities, ecosystems and economies. Wandsworth has a variety of public open spaces, from allotments to small local play areas and larger parks such as Battersea Park. However, we need up-to-date... More
    Closed 8 August 2020
  • Review of Strawberry Hill Controlled Parking Zone (Zone SH) consultation

    In February 2019, the Council implemented the Strawberry Hill Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ), Zone SH, operating 10am to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday, following consultation with residents and businesses in the area. You may be aware that the Council conducted a consultation in January as part of a review of this CPZ to assess its effectiveness during its initial period of operation. Some residents have contacted the Council to say they did not receive the consultation... More
    Closed 7 August 2020
  • Richmond Youth Wellbeing Survey

    Do you live or study in Richmond borough? The Kingston and Richmond Youth Council want to hear your voice! We’re interested in what you think about your local area, your school, your safety, and your thoughts around the COVID-19 situation. We’ll then use this information, working with the council, schools and other local organisations, to improve your local services and make Richmond Borough a better place for all its young people. This... More
    Closed 7 August 2020
  • Burtons Road area: consultation on potential traffic-reducing measures

    You may recall that we consulted you regarding proposed traffic reduction measures in the Burtons Road area in June 2019. These proposals consisted of the following package of measures and were intended to remove all through traffic from the area at all times: A road closure at the Links View Road / Burtons Road junction A no entry for eastbound vehicles outside numbers 81-83 Burtons Road A road closure for all motorised traffic in both... More
    Closed 25 July 2020
  • Richmond Coronavirus Survey for Businesses

    Coronavirus (COVID-19) has significantly impacted businesses across the UK. Richmond Council is working hard to support local residents and businesses during this unprecedented time. To help us build a better picture of how the pandemic is impacting businesses and target support where it is most needed, we would like to hear your views. We want to hear about what you need in the short, medium and long term, so please complete this survey to let us know how this... More
    Closed 19 July 2020
  • Wandsworth Coronavirus Survey for Businesses

    Coronavirus (COVID-19) has significantly impacted businesses across the UK. Wandsworth Council is working hard to support local residents and businesses during this unprecedented time. To help us build a better picture of how the pandemic is impacting businesses and target support where it is most needed, we would like to hear your views. We want to hear about what you need in the short, medium and long term, so please complete this survey to let us know how this... More
    Closed 19 July 2020
  • Wandsworth Residents Coronavirus Survey

    The coronavirus (COVID-19) has significantly impacted the lives of people within the UK. Wandsworth Council is working hard to support local residents and businesses during this unprecedented time. To help us build a better picture of the impacts and target support where it is most needed, we would like to hear your views. Please take the time to respond to this brief online survey - your feedback will help us to understand your needs and concerns during this time and inform... More
    Closed 19 July 2020
  • Richmond Residents Coronavirus Survey

    The coronavirus (COVID-19) has significantly impacted the lives of people within the UK. Richmond Council is working hard to support local residents and businesses during this unprecedented time. To help us build a better picture of the impacts and target support where it is most needed, we would like to hear your views. Please take the time to respond to this brief online survey - your feedback will help us to understand your needs and concerns during this time and inform... More
    Closed 19 July 2020
  • Twickenham Riverside Development - Parking and Servicing Consultation

    You may be aware that the Council is planning to redevelop Twickenham Riverside. Following feedback from residents , in 2019 the Council ran a Design Competition to find a new architect and concept design for the site, which includes the stretch of The Embankment between Wharf Lane and Water Lane. By making the best use of the whole site, the redevelopment plans aim to open up the river, provide open space for all to enjoy, prioritise people over... More
    Closed 12 July 2020
  • Wandsworth Public Spaces Protection Order Consultation

    *THIS CONSULTATION HAS BEEN EXTENDED TO 5 JULY* What are PSPOs? Public Space Protection Orders are an element of legislation introduced by the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 to tackle anti-social behaviour in a flexible and responsive way. A PSPO prohibits specific activities within a defined area and is intended to deal with particular nuisances or problems that are detrimental to the local community’s quality of life,... More
    Closed 5 July 2020
  • Richmond Bikehangars Consultation 2020

    UPDATE: THE CLOSING DATE OF THIS CONSULTATION HAS BEEN EXTENDED. Cycling is a sustainable, healthy and affordable means of travel. An increase in cycling will help us to reduce greenhouse gases and pollutants that cause poor air quality and are bad for our health and the environment. Many residents, particularly those who live in terraced streets and flats, find it difficult to keep bicycles at home due to lack of storage space. The Council has received over 250 requests... More
    Closed 22 April 2020
1027 results. Page 11 of 35