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1027 results

  • Grey Court School Remodelling and Extension - pre planning consultation 2010

    The London Borough of Richmond upon Thames is seeking to improve accommodation for special educational needs and provide enhanced curriculum facilities for 14 - 19 year old pupils at secondary schools in the borough. The Council has appointed Pick Everard to develop proposals for Grey Court School that will involve the remodelling and extension of the current buildings. Pick Everard has been working closely with the school and governors to develop the design which is nearing the point... More
    Closed 17 July 2010
  • Radnor Gardens parks improvements

    To work with the Friends of Radnor Gardens group on improvements to the site, as part of the Council's borough wide Parks Improvement Programme. More
    Closed 31 July 2010
  • Barefoot Consultation - The Future of Twickenham

    This public event has been organised to involve the local community in the regeneration of Twickenham and gain ideas and views. It addresses Twickenham Riverside and other major projects, such as the redevelopment of the Post Office sorting site; planned improvements at Twickenham Station and a planned hotel to be opened at Regal House. This consultation has been called 'barefoot' as we enter it with no preconceived ideas or notions. Consultation event A three day public event was... More
    Closed 6 August 2010
  • Housing and Council Tax benefits - customer survey

    This survey went to a random sample of 2,125 service users who, over the last twelve months, either made a new claim for housing/council tax benefit or reported a change in their circumstances. The survey was designed to gain an understanding of satisfaction with the service received and how it was conducted. The deadline for returns was extended to allow time for further responses. A reminder letter was sent to survey recipients. More
    Closed 13 August 2010
  • Twickenham Station and Surroundings Design Standards SPD

    Opinions were sought on a new consultation document which proposes to give the authority's planning committee guidance on how any applications for the redevelopment of the Twickenham Station area should be considered. The new draft supplementary planning document (SPD) sets out suggestions as to the size, scale and height of any potential development in this area. The documents include a proposal suggesting suitable heights for new buildings in the area should be up to five storeys... More
    Closed 27 August 2010
  • Day Care Centres for Older People - Customer Survey

    This survey was carried out with Day Care Centre users and their carers to assess how satisfied they are with the service provided and where improvements, if any, need to be made. A hard copy of the survey was distributed to users and carers. More
    Closed 31 August 2010
  • Local Economic Assessment - Business survey 2010

    The Local Economic Assessment takes a holistic view of how the borough's economy works and connects to other places and issues. It does this by examining issues from the perspective of residents, businesses and visitors. It will inform economic strategy, the Local Development Framework, the Community Plan and other strategic plans. The findings will also help to inform the business element of the 'All in One' survey. A business survey featured as part of the assessment. The survey was... More
    Closed 31 August 2010
  • St Margaret's Estate Conservation Area Extension 2010

    The Council is proposing to extend the boundary of the St Margaret's Estate Conservation Area under the Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Areas) Act 1990. The proposed extension includes this property. As part of this process, the Council is seeking views of all owners and/or occupiers. In brief, the implications of Conservation Area designation are as follows: 1. Conservation Area Consent will be required for the demolition of most buildings and structures (including... More
    Closed 3 September 2010
  • Budget Consultation 2010

    As in previous years, the Council consulted residents in the borough to inform the budget setting process for the next financial year and to seek views on service delivery in Richmond upon Thames. The consultation was also used to explore resident's views on how the Council has already begun to respond to the current economic challenges and how, going forward, it can best continue to tackle these issues. The consultation took place in the form of an evening workshop, including a... More
    Closed 8 September 2010
  • Open Spaces Strategy - consultation phase one

    LBRuT are commencing the creation of a new Open Spaces Strategy 2011-2021 to set out how we will manage our Parks and Open Spaces over the next ten years. We see this as an exciting opportunity to build on the significant improvements we have undertaken in recent years, achieving the highest satisfaction rating of any Parks Service in the country. A programme of investment over the last five years has seen nine parks achieving Green Flag Award Status, 92% of playgrounds achieving LEAP... More
    Closed 10 September 2010
  • Castelnau Gate Renovation Project

    Consultation was carried out to give local residents and users of the Recreation Ground the opportunity to contribute to the designing of a new archway for the main recreation ground gates. Recent improvements to the park had been carried out with help from members of the local community centre, and to keep local residents involved two meetings were scheduled at the community centre with: 1) the junior community club (Mon 20 Sept, 3.15pm - 5.15pm) 2) the weekly community cafe (Tues 21... More
    Closed 21 September 2010
  • Redevelopment of Hampton Academy

    Hampton Community College reopened as Hampton Academy on 1 September 2010. As part of the conversion of the school to an Academy, the Council has been awarded a grant from Central Government to remodel and rebuild a large part of the school. The school, its sponsors and the Council worked on plans for the new Academy for several months to produce a detailed design. Consultation event Parents and the local community were invited to attend a design consultation event held at Hampton... More
    Closed 22 September 2010
  • Parks - customer satisfaction survey 2010

    This survey was carried out with parks users across the borough to find out how satisfied they are with various aspects of the parks service. The results will also be used to build a profile of users, including why and how frequently people visit, and to inform future service delivery. The survey was carried out onsite at parks (from 6 September to 17 September). A fuller version of the survey was also available to complete online. The deadline for completing the online survey was... More
    Closed 24 September 2010
  • Evaluation of Connexions Service

    This consultation was held with existing and potential service users to assist with future service planning. Consultation was publicised via the Council's website and youth magazine. More
    Closed 1 October 2010
  • Draft Licensing Policy 2010

    A revised policy has to be put before the Council as part of the current three year statutory cycle for policy adoption and renewal under the Licensing Act 2003. In advance of this, we sought views on the revised draft. The policy is the guide for decision makers, applicants and those that wish to make representations for or against licensing applications. This refers to licensing of alcohol, regulated entertainment and late night refreshment. The aim of the revisions has been to: ... More
    Closed 3 October 2010
  • Licensing of Sexual Entertainment Venues and Sex Establishments 2010

    The Council consulted the public on whether its policy on sex establishments and sexual entertainment venues should change following new Government legislation. The Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982 currently requires a sex shop and a sex cinema to apply for and be granted a sex establishment licence, but by Section 27 of the Policing and Crime Act 2009 it is proposed that a sexual entertainment venue (e.g. table dancing, lap dancing or similar activities) will also... More
    Closed 3 October 2010
  • Children's PLUS 2010 (Public Library Users survey)

    This is a national survey organised by CIPFA Social Research (Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy). The consultation took place onsite at libraries and covered all twelve lending libraries across the borough. Children and young people up to 15 years old were asked to complete a survey during their visit, which asked a range of questions about the library service including book and computer usage and general attitudes to the library overall. The information will be... More
    Closed 3 October 2010
  • Sheen Mount Primary School - pre planning consultation 2010

    As part of the Council's commitment to provide additional school places for children in Richmond upon Thames, it was proposed to expand Sheen Mount Primary School. A pre-planning public consultation was arranged to invite parents, local residents and stakeholders to view displays and comment on plans for this school expansion. Consultation event An informal, drop-in public consultation event was held on Thursday 14 October 2010 between 3.30pm - 7.30pm in Sheen Mount School's... More
    Closed 14 October 2010
  • Local Implementation Plan (consultation phase 1)

    In May 2010, the Mayor of London published the Mayor's Transport Strategy (MTS2 - see link under background documents). The Strategy sets out the objectives within which all London boroughs have to work for the next three years. Each borough has to set out the local issues it needs to address and options to be considered in order to achieve these objectives. The chosen options will be taken forward into the Borough's Local Implementation Plan (LIP) which will be a statutory document, used for... More
    Closed 15 October 2010
  • Land Charges Survey

    This was a survey of solicitors across the borough to gain a deeper understanding of this market and the key factors influencing it. The survey was run in conjunction with twelve other authorities across South London as a joint market research exercise. More
    Closed 17 October 2010
  • Young People and Parents substance misuse survey 2010

    This is a consultation with existing and potential service users of Young People Drugs and Alcohol Service and their families to identify needs. The findings will be used to inform service needs analysis, planning and commissioning. Three surveys form this consultation, including a survey of providers, users and parents/carers. They were sent by post and also available online. The deadline for responses was extended from 1 October to Monday 18 October, to allow time for further... More
    Closed 18 October 2010
  • Darell Primary School - pre planning consultation 2010

    The London Borough of Richmond upon Thames is seeking to improve accommodation for special educational needs (SEN) at primary schools in the borough. The Council has appointed Jacobs to develop proposals to move the SEN unit to the ground floor and remodel the administration areas at Darell Primary School. Jacobs has been working closely with the school and governors to develop the design which is nearing the point where a planning application will be submitted. Consultation event ... More
    Closed 19 October 2010
  • New Adult Social Care web pages - 'Your Support Your Way'

    The aim of the new web pages is to make our entire information accessible, user friendly and easy to find. The web pages are a self service tool, where people can find their own information and advice. People can also fill in an online 'contact me' form and a simple self-assessment form stating their current situation, so that we can get in touch with the detailed information they have asked for. We will be testing the new pages, titled 'Your Support Your Way', with service users,... More
    Closed 21 October 2010
  • Legal Services Survey (Richmond upon Thames and Merton)

    The Legal Services of Merton and Richmond Council are currently investigating the possibility of setting up a shared legal service. As part of this process, Legal Services are keen to ensure that any future shared service delivers the highest standard of legal support and the best possible customer service. To assist in this process, Legal Services are capturing the present perception of staff about how the service currently operates, its strengths and weaknesses. The results will be... More
    Closed 22 October 2010
  • Library Service Review 2010

    Libraries are a valued community service in Richmond upon Thames. Last year there were more than 1.4 million visits to our 13 libraries; however, the way that people are using our libraries has changed - fewer books are being borrowed and people are increasingly choosing to access library services online. We want to make sure that we are providing the right library services for residents but we will need to do that in the context of the current financial climate. The Council is faced with a... More
    Closed 26 October 2010
  • Changes in Parking Charges 2010

    The Council invited the public to comment on its proposals to alter the car parking charges within the borough. It is proposed to remove the emissions-based criteria for all parking charges. Parking permits Charges for resident and business permits will be set at a flat rate according to your community parking zone. Band A (engine CO2 emissions of 100g/Km or less) vehicles will still qualify for free permits. The refund process will be simplified and the 2-year permit duration will... More
    Closed 29 October 2010
  • Richmond Town Centre Station Area improvements

    In 2006/07 the Council undertook widespread consultation to assess the level of support for the TfL funded Richmond Town Centre enhancements scheme. The results were favourable, and the section between Hill Street and the Quadrant has now been completed. The Council has now developed detailed proposals for the area outside of the station and on Kew Road. There are two different scheme options and this phase 2 consultation is to find out which of these two scheme options has most... More
    Closed 8 November 2010
  • Whitton Town Centre Improvements 2010

    The Council carried out this public consultation following confirmation of funding to make improvements in Whitton Town Centre. The upgraded street scene will improve conditions for pedestrians in the High Street between Nelson Road and Jubilee Avenue, and include the area around the library. Funding has been allocated from the Council with possible further contributions from the Heathrow Community Grant awards scheme. Further information about the proposals is available at the below... More
    Closed 8 November 2010
  • Lowther Primary School Expansion - pre planning consultation 2010

    Demand for school places in Richmond upon Thames primary schools is high and increasing. As part of the Council's strategy to meet this demand, it is proposed to expand Lowther Primary School in Stillingfleet Road, Barnes, from a one form to two form of entry primary school. Architects have been working closely with the school, governors and Council to develop the design which is nearing the point where a planning application will be submitted. Consultation event The local... More
    Closed 10 November 2010
  • Barefoot Consultation - Future of Stag Brewery and related areas

    The Council is working to develop a planning brief with the aim of ensuring that any future redevelopment of the Stag Brewery site in Mortlake reflects the wishes of the local community whilst at the same time providing a commercially viable and deliverable scheme. A specialist firm has been appointed to provide some options indicating how the site and the immediate surroundings could be redeveloped. We want to proceed openly and with the community in trying to secure the best... More
    Closed 12 November 2010
1027 results. Page 5 of 35