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1002 results

  • Sheen Road and Upper Richmond Road West Safety Improvements

    The Council is proposing a scheme that aims to implement road safety improvements on Sheen Road and Upper Richmond Road West. An accident investigation study was undertaken in 2010 to identify the possible causes of 25 collisions over a five year period. Whist the study did not identify any particular trends, the most prevalent factors were poor vehicle turning manoeuvres, overtaking and motorcycle accidents. The scheme aims to reduce the number of accidents and improve the experience for... More
    Closed 28 December 2012
  • Draft Tenancy Strategy Consultation

    The Council is required under the Localism Act (2011) to develop a Tenancy Strategy by the end of January 2013. This strategy will be used to help shape the Tenancy Policies of housing associations in the borough and provides recommendations on the type of tenancy offered, the duration of tenancies (if they are for a fixed term) and tenancy renewal. Definition of terms The type of tenancy - whether housing associations should offer Affordable Rent tenancies (at a rent up to 80% of... More
    Closed 19 December 2012
  • Carers Survey 2012-13

    The Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC) informed all Local Authorities that they must undertake a Carers Survey in 2012-13. Participating in the survey allowed councils to benchmark against their comparators and gather information to support their local commissioning, performance and carers strategy. The data was also used to populate four of the outcome measures in the Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework. More
    Closed 7 December 2012
  • Whitton High Street Environment Improvements

    HIGH STREET WHITTON - SAFETY, TRANSPORT & STREET SCENE IMPROVEMENTS In response to residents' comments from the Council's All in One survey and to make the most of the Uplift Programme, it is proposed to undertake additional work to further improve the look of Whitton High Street and complement the work already undertaken to upgrade street lighting and shop fronts. Please take a look at the consultation drawing to see where the improvements will be carried out. The environmental... More
    Closed 30 November 2012
  • Online market engagement with regards to the fee rates for Residential and Nursing Care Providers

    London Borough of Richmond upon Thames is committed to working together with service providers, service users, carers and representative organisations to address the challenges we are all facing in relation to the commissioning and delivery of residential and nursing care services within the current financial climate. The national measures to reduce the budget deficit continue to cause uncertainty around future funding for councils. This uncertainty means that it has become increasingly... More
    Closed 26 November 2012
  • Elm Grove Road Traffic Changes

    CASTELNAU, ROCKS LANE, CHURCH ROAD, ELM GROVE ROAD, QUEEN ELIZABETH WALK - PROPOSED JUNCTION IMPROVEMENTS AND INTRODUCTION OF ONE WAY WORKING IN ELM GROVE ROAD. We are consulting on proposals to improve traffic conditions at the Castelnau/Rocks Lane/Elm Grove Road/Church Road and Queen Elizabeth Walk signalised junction. The complexity of this 5 arm junction and the number of traffic movements currently provided for results in delays to traffic, especially on Castelnau, Rocks Lane and... More
    Closed 26 November 2012
  • East Sheen Parking Review

    A parking review in East Sheen is being undertaken in response to the following issues raised by residents and businesses in the 2010 All in One survey: - The lack of available parking close to people's homes, outside the existing CPZ area, due to commuters and shoppers parking in residential streets and local parking restrictions - The need to improve available parking close to local shops to encourage people to use local shops and to enable fuller use of all road space - The need... More
    Closed 16 November 2012
  • Playground Upgrade, Ham Village Green

    Richmond Council encouraged people to have their say in the upgrading of Ham Village Green play area, as part of the commitment for an ongoing programme to maintain and improve the borough's parks & playgrounds. Residents' views were sought on the proposed upgrade of the existing natural play area. More
    Closed 16 November 2012
  • East Sheen Library Sunday Opening

    The Library Service is undertaking a review of the Sunday opening hours at East Sheen library. East Sheen library is currently open from 10am to 2pm on Sunday but is very under-used in comparison to Richmond and Teddington libraries which are open on Sunday from 1pm to 5pm. We would like to change the Sunday hours at East Sheen so that the library is open from 1pm to 5pm. Having all three libraries open at the same time would ensure a more co-ordinated service which maximises the use of... More
    Closed 16 November 2012
  • Crane Park "People in Parks"

    The aim of this project is to expand on the GLA Help a London Park Project by bringing four smaller open spaces under Crane Park, ensuring further enhanced community commitment and involvement in the management of open spaces along the river Crane. We aim also to restore access and visuals to a fifth location that has become overgrown in recent years. 1. Hospital Bridge Road/Willow Way Open Space Currently not accessible due to bramble & heavy vegetation cover. A lot of fly tip at rear... More
    Closed 14 November 2012
  • Proposal for Richmond Choice Based Letting Scheme For Affordable Rent Properties

    Richmond Council is proposing to develop a local Choice Based Letting (CBL) scheme to be used for allocating 'affordable rent' properties. The scheme would include all Affordable Rent properties in new housing association developments in the borough of Richmond, Hounslow where Richmond Housing Partnership also has properties, and approximately 30% of existing housing association properties that become available to rent. The new scheme would make the allocation process transparent and... More
    Closed 11 November 2012
  • Tangier Green and Craneford Way Playground Improvements

    Richmond Council is encouraging people to have their say in the upgrading of three children's play areas in the borough, as part of the commitment for an ongoing programme to maintain and improve the borough's parks & playgrounds. Residents' views are sought on the proposed upgrade of the play grounds at Tangier Green in North Richmond, and Craneford Way in Twickenham. Posters are on display in both play areas giving outlines of the improvements and designs with an email address for... More
    Closed 23 October 2012
  • Parks Improvement Programme 2 - Holly Road Gardens, Garfield Road Open Space, Champions Wharf Twickenham

    The Vision - 'Live Life in Local Parks' Parks Improvement Programme 2 will focus on continuing the infrastructural improvements which have led to Parks and Open Spaces being highlighted as the most important service to borough residents in the All in One survey (2011). The programme will further encourage residents and visitors to not only access parks for recreation and leisure but to also become a part of their day to day life within the borough with project striving to meet all Parks... More
    Closed 23 October 2012
  • Annual Residents' Survey 2012

    Richmond Council's annual residents' survey helps us to measure residents' satisfaction with their local area, the Council and the services they receive. With this information we can incorporate residents' views into the way we make decisions and deliver services. We commissioned an independent research company to run a telephone survey for us in September/October 2012. You can view the results report below. More
    Closed 16 October 2012
  • Healthwatch Richmond Upon Thames Questionnaire

    HealthWatch Richmond upon Thames will act as the new local consumer champion for Health and Social Care. Its main role will be to: - Provide information and advice to the public on Health and Social Care services - To monitor and listen to the views of the public on Health and Social Care services - To influence the way Health and Social Care services are provided in the future It will provide these services from April 2013 and will replace Richmond LINk which has a smaller set of... More
    Closed 8 October 2012
  • Richmond Joint Health and Social Care - Draft Adult Autism Strategy Consultation

    The first ever national autism strategy, Fulfilling and Rewarding Lives, was published in 2010 following landmark legislation in the form of the Autism Act in 2009, which ensured that the government was committed to transforming the way in which autism was addressed in England. The Richmond Joint Health and Social Care Adults Autism Strategy will set out the vision, aims, objectives and plans of both health and social care for adults aged 18+ years who have or are seeking a diagnosis of... More
    Closed 4 October 2012
  • Consultation on allocating social housing (affordable rents)

    Earlier this year the rules regarding how new social housing was to be funded were changed. Instead of most money coming from Central Government most will now be raised locally by the introduction of “affordable rents”. In practice this means that social landlords can now set the rent of the property at up to 80% of the market rent. Approximately 1 in 3 properties that we allocate new tenants to will be at a rent level higher than those on the old “social rent” levels. At the... More
    Closed 30 September 2012
  • London Borough of Richmond upon Thames Council Tax Support Scheme Consultation

    Currently, Council Tax Benefit is a national scheme paid for by central Government but administered by councils. The Government is cutting the amount of money available and asking councils to run local schemes. Richmond expects to lose £1.0m in government grant. The Council is aiming to recover most of this loss through changes to other Council Tax discounts and exemptions but some existing benefits claimants will be affected. The London Borough of Richmond upon Thames is keen to ensure that... More
    Closed 30 September 2012
  • Consultation on adult mental health rehabilitation services in Richmond upon Thames

    The consultation is part of a programme of work to improve local mental health services as set out in Richmond's Adult Mental Health Joint Commissioning Strategy 2010-15. Nationally, mental health services have been changing. Evidence shows that it can be better for a person's mental health to be treated in the community or their own home, rather than in a hospital setting. This means, that if we can develop more local services in the community we can support people to gain more... More
    Closed 14 September 2012
  • Twickenham Area Action Plan - Publication Consultation

    The Twickenham Area Action Plan sets out an overall strategy for the future of Twickenham town centre. The Plan covers the period up to 2027 and will be vital to the promotion of a prosperous local economy and investment. This is the final round of consultation before the Plan is submitted to the Secretary of State for independent examination. The publication stage of the AAP enables representations to be made based on the Plan's 'legal compliance' and 'soundness'. Scope of the Plan - A... More
    Closed 31 August 2012
  • Twickenham Town Centre - Proposals for Street Scene and Highways Scheme

    Over the last 18 months the Council has undertaken extensive evidence gathering and consultation with local people around the future of Twickenham Town Centre. The public supported the general principles within the Twickenham Area Action Plan to improve the town centre environment by reducing the dominance of traffic. Proposals have now been developed that take these principles forward with a detailed scheme - you can view the scheme below. More
    Closed 31 August 2012
  • Developing our special school provision

    The local authority wishes to consult with parents and other interested groups on its proposal to develop Strathmore School into a multi-site special school co-located on mainstream school sites. We are dedicated to improving the quality of special school facilities available locally for pupils with severe and complex learning needs. We have an ambitious vision for Strathmore School and are therefore proposing purpose-built facilities co-located on mainstream school sites to offer a... More
    Closed 3 August 2012
  • Direct Payments Prepaid Cards Consultation

    Background The Council is committed to continue widening its personalisation offer in Adult Social Care. Prepaid cards can be a great way of increasing flexibility and reducing the barriers to personal budgets. Whilst increasing choice for people, the Council benefits from a cost effective solution that enables them to focus resources on supporting those with more complex social care needs. The London Borough of Richmond upon Thames has been one of the leading local authorities... More
    Closed 20 July 2012
  • Developing an evidence base for Richmond Council's Tenancy Strategy

    There have been many recent changes in the way housing is organised nationally. For example, Housing Associations now have the power to issue fixed term tenancies, rather than lifetime tenancies. As set out in the Localism Act (2011), the Government requires that each Local Authority develops a Tenancy Strategy by November 2012. This Strategy will give guidance to local providers of social housing regarding the various changes that have been passed in law. Before developing this Strategy,... More
    Closed 10 July 2012
  • Heathfield Nursery and Infant School and Heathfield Junior School: development of school site - expansion to four forms of entry

    Richmond Council would like to consult with residents and other local groups with an interest in the schools regarding a building scheme proposed by the Council's appointed architects, Jacobs, for the development of the school site to accommodate four forms of entry. The proposed scheme includes the building of a new one storey classroom with elevations facing onto Powdermill Lane. More
    Closed 6 July 2012
  • Residential Contributions Calculator Test

    The aim of this consultation is to find out if the new Residential Contributions Calculator is useful and easy to use. The purpose of the calculator is to give people a rough idea of how much they will have to pay for residential services. It gives people the opportunity to work out costs before they contact Adult Social Care. This consultation is open to all residents of Richmond borough. You can find the calculator and the online survey below. More
    Closed 4 July 2012
  • Friars Lane car park pre-planning consultation

    Richmond Council would like to gather public views on a scheme proposed to be submitted for planning permission. Please see documents below for more details of the scheme and how to submit your comments. More
    Closed 30 June 2012
  • Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) - Draft

    The update to the SPD is required to reflect changes in the policy context and the funding of affordable housing, as committed to in the Development Management Plan to guide implementation of Local Development Framework policies. In accordance with the Statement of Community Involvement, primarily for this SPD the consultation is targeted at those that are involved in making provision for new affordable housing through the planning process, to gain feedback on the draft document to... More
    Closed 8 June 2012
  • Hampton Wick Infant & Nursery School Expansion from 2 forms of entry to 3 forms of entry

    To inform local residents, parents/carers and any other interested parties of the Council's proposal to expand Hampton Wick Infant & Nursery School to a 3 forms of entry Infant School (currently 2 forms of entry) to meet the increasing demand for primary school places within the Borough. The design drawings for the proposed expansion were on display to provide information about the project and to collect views of the proposed plans prior to a planning application being submitted. The... More
    Closed 24 May 2012
  • Community Roads and Pavements Fund 2012

    As part of the Council's drive to improve the environment of the borough and after listening to comments from its 'All in One' consultation, an annual community road and pavement funding pot of £35,000 has been made available for highway maintenance in each of the fourteen village areas in the borough. This sum (in total £490,000) is in addition to the maintenance work being carried out by the Council, and each year local residents will be invited to suggest how the money should be spent in... More
    Closed 21 May 2012
1002 results. Page 26 of 34