Volunteering Survey

Closed 1 Jul 2015

Opened 20 May 2015

Results updated 16 Nov 2015

The Council has consulted widely with the voluntary and statutory sector on future priorities. This has been through an online survey, one-to-one meetings and a workshop independently facilitated by NAVCA.

The results to this consulatation are detailed below in the attached report.

For further information please visit the Voluntary and Community Sector page or contact Melissa Watson, Voluntary Sector Partnership Manager:

Phone: 020 8487 5225
Email: melissa.watson@richmond.gov.uk




This survey is part of the Council’s wider consultation on 'Infrastructure and Capacity Building Services for the Voluntary and Community Sector’ – please click here for further information.

Volunteering and helping others in the community can be an incredibly rewarding experience, make a huge difference to people’s lives and make the Borough a better and more interesting place to live, work and visit.

There are many different ways individuals can get involved in volunteering; some are through formal routes such as registering with the online Volunteering Richmond placement scheme, funded by the Council, whilst others can be through recommendations of friends, family or colleagues.

We would like to know more about the motivations and aspirations of people who live and work in the Borough, in taking on volunteering roles, so that we can provide a service which helps to meet those needs.



  • Open to all